Monday, July 12, 2010


The preface for the next set of Lesson Plans that Work (After Pentecost - Late Summer, Propers 11-17):
Even on a sultry summer day, the wind of the Spirit hovers — almost imperceptibly. Our lives rarely accommodate a slower pace for the summer. Yet, we are invited to notice, again, the priorities that drive us. We are invited to stop, however briefly, the manic activity and consider options Jesus offers us.
Here in the Northeast the past couple of weeks have been hot and humid. This week looks to be more of the same. The breeze has indeed imperceptible at times. And during last week's official heat wave I watched even New Yorkers slow down as they navigated the streets.

This week's Gospel is Luke 10:38-42, the familiar story of Mary and Martha.

A number of years ago I was part of the logistics team for a large conference. I'd been told by the organizers that I'd be able to hear most of the keynote speakers and participate in worship. Obviously, as anyone who has worked the logistics side of a conference knows, that didn't happen. I got frustrated early on.

As I walked through one of the exhibits to get to my room to find some notes, one of the women responsible for the exhibit asked me how things were going. Some of my frustration leaked out. After listening, she took my hands in hers and said, "Sometimes we have to be Martha."

Sometimes. Not always.

When do you take time to "sit at the Lord's feet and listen to what he is saying"?

How do you put what I frequenlty refer to as "Martha Mode" aside so that you can sit and listen?

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