Monday, May 24, 2010

Entering Ordinary Time

Our church program year is winding down, though some formation and education activities continue through the Summer, mostly in the form of Vacation Bible Schools. But our formation as Christians never stops. The preface to the Season after Pentecost-Early Summer lesson plans says:
We remain Easter people, now with the wind of the Holy Spirit in our sails. Our task for the months ahead in this season of Ordinary Time, which extends to the end of November, is to look at what Jesus so tenaciously taught his disciples and see what is in these teachings for us as we carry out the work we have been given to do. Jesus promised his disciples a helper, an Advocate, who would stand with them making the work possible. This same helper, the Holy Spirit, hovers over us still eager to quench the fire of fear and replace it with the powerful energy of love.
Most of you will spend time this summer reviewing the past year, looking at what worked and what didnt' work. And many will be planning for the new program year that begins in the Fall. How have Lesson Plans that Work worked for you over the past year? Any changes you might make? Things you plan on doing differently in the Fall? And what went well? We are always looking at ways to make Lesson Plans that Work more effective for those of you who use them.

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