Monday, June 7, 2010


The Notation for This Week's Gospel (Proper 6, Luke 7:36 – 8:3):
Luke's Gospel accompanies us on the rest of our journey this year. Luke fleshes out the parables and adds rich details not found in the other gospel accounts. Today, it is the story of the woman who is self-convicted of sin. Her relief at encountering forgiveness flows out of her in an extravagant display of gratitude. Are we so able to confront our transgressions, confess them, and then believe they are truly forgiven, that we, too, can dance our gratitude?
Who are the Pharisees in our lives? When are we the Pharisees? Is it easier to forgive others, or forgive ourselves? What does it mean to "dance our gratitude"? As we wind down the "school year," if we haven't already, are we focusing on what went wrong? Or are we celebrating the moments of grace? What would happen if we planned next year in the context of dancing our gratitude?

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