Monday, June 21, 2010

Where do we go when we follow?

Here is the Notation for the Gospel reading for the June 27 Lesson Plans (Luke 9: 51-62):
Rejection. To the disciples' horror, the people of the village did not receive Jesus. Retribution, they insisted! “No,” said Jesus, moving on. Follow, they decided. But what would follow mean? Maybe to follow is to hold focus. Staying on focus involves choosing the important and not getting bogged down in the urgent. What is the important that we follow?
The theme for Sunday's Lesson Plans is "Where do we go when we follow?" There are two distinct issues in this passage from Luke: (1) What do we do when someone rejects us because of our faith? (2) What does it mean to follow Jesus? These are not easy concepts for adults, let alone children. And there will be questions. What are some ways to handle these questions? With adults? With older children? With young children? Are we willing to follow where the questions lead?

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